Variable is used to store data in a program and are used in operations and expression. With slight difference in the syntax.
One of the data type python support is number. The numbers are classified as integer, float and complex numbers.
String is a sequence of characters. It is used to store textual data in a program.
Boolean is one of the data type supported by python. The Boolean data type represent true or false that produced by an expression.
A decision statement is used to control how the program behave under different conditions. Conditions are an expression that returns true or false value.
Loop or repetition statement are used to repeat a block of codes until the stopping condition is fulfilled. Also called iterative statement.
Function is a block of code that perform a task when called using its name. Function also takes in data to be processed and may returns a result at the end.
List is one of the data type in python. A list is a object to store a sequence of data that are modifiable. Although fundamentally similar to an array, a list can contain data of different type.
A tuple is similar to a list, but they are used to store a sequence of data that are not modifiable. Both list and tuple has same functions, except tuple don't have function that modifies its content.
A set store unordered collection of data under a single variable. Set are non-modifiable and are not indexed. Two elements stored in a set cannot have a duplicate.
Dictionary is used to store key-value pairs. It is a ordered item that uses key to refer it's individual data. After a dictionary is created we can add, update or remove the elements by using its methods.
To display text on the console using print() function and get to know its parameters. Also explore how the strings are formatted before they are displayed.
Object Oriented Programming in Python
Class is a logical grouping of data and function defined by user. Class definition is used by python to create an objects. Each object has its own attributes and behaviors.
Inheritance is deriving a new class from an existing class. Derived class or child class inherits attributes and methods from Base class or also known as Parent class.
Encapsulation is process of wrapping attributes and methods together as a single unit. The attributes are well hidden from outside class only only way to access them is through methods in that class.
Polymorphism is characteristic shown by an object to take more than one form.
Abstraction basic implementation of a function is hidden from user. The user can only view basic functionalities while its internal details are hidden.
Others topics
In python, a file saved with .py extension is called module. So in a module we may define a class, data fields and functions.
An exception is an unplanned event that occurs during program execution that disrupts the normal flow of a program.
Data displayed in console are not saved and cannot be retrieved once the program is closed. To save the data, it have to be stored inside of a file.
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