Following are topics discussed in regards to MySQL.
Create database
First step is create a database. This page shows how to create a new database.
Create a table
Data or records in database are stored inside a table. A database may have more than one tables. This page will show how to create a table.
Inserting a records
A new table created in previous discussion is empty. Once there is a table in database, we can populate them with data or records.
Retrieving data using select
Most common operation is retrieving a data or records from database. Here we will be discussing on how to use SELECT command to retrieve records from database.
Select using where clause
The WHERE clause written in SELECT statement provides ability to specify condition in which records are selected. The WHERE clause also used in other SQL statement like UPDATE and DELETE.
Updating table
To edit or update an existing record in database table.
Deleting record
this topic shows how to delete an existing record from a database table.
To write a where clause with more specific criteria or condition. Same as logical operation in programming.
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