Java Programming
Introduction to java programming technology, it development environment, anatomy of Java program and Hello world program.
Data types, variable and constant
Discuss data types used in java program. Explains the variable concept and how to use them, and what is constant and how its similar to variable but used in different circumstance.
Getting input and producing output in program. Discover libraries used for perform input and output in Java.
Operators performs mathematical operation to data in a program. Discover different types of operations done and what operators are used to do this operations.
Discover what is a selection statement and how to use them to control java program execution. There are three to five variation of selection statement that can be used in Java program.
Discover what we can do with a loop statement in Java program. There are three types of loop statement, learn its structure and how to use them here.
Similar to functions, method is java construct used to break down a complex program into smaller more manageable units. In object oriented programming, method is a way to express the behaviour of an object.
Array is a collection of data that of same type. Instead of having many loose variables that has similar purpose, array group these variables in a single group, and access the individual variable called elements using index.
String is a type of character array. It is used to express a line of text in a program. Java provides many function used to manipulate string.
Java in Object Oriented Programming language. Class and object is the basic building block in the program structure. Class allows programmer to define their own data types besides the primitive types like int, float, etc.
Inheritance is one of the main concepts of the object oriented programming. It allows programmer to reuse the existing class and expand its capabilities by introducing a new class.
Polymorphism is one of the main concepts of the object oriented programming. It allows a object to behave differently under different circumstances. Polymorphism can be achieved by implementing method overloading and overriding.
Encapsulation is another main concept is OOP. It is the process of assembling data and its method as a single unit. Encapsulation is also known as data hiding.
Abstraction probably the important concept of OOP. It is the process of hiding complex ways of handling a problem and only expose necessary information to the user. With abstraction, user can solve complex problem with ease without knowing its inner workings.
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