HTML05: List

To display a list of items on a web site a <li> tag is used. For example, to display a list of five fruits:

Code snippet


·         Apple
·         Orange
·         Grapes
·         Banana
·         Pear

There are two types of list, an ordered list or unordered list. An ordered list displays the number in front the each items in a list. Unordered list only display bullet in front of each items. By default, a list is unordered and uses disc bullet as shown in example above.
Ordered list uses <ol> tag and unordered list start with <ul>

Below is an example for ordered list

Code snippet


1.       Apple
2.       Orange
3.       Grapes
4.       Banana
5.       Pear

Below is an example for unordered list:

Code Snippet


·         Apple
·         Orange
·         Grapes
·         Banana
·         Pear

A list can be written inside of another list. this is known as nested ist. Example below shows the example for nested list.
Code Snippet

       <li>Apple Pie</li>
       <li>Apple Juice</li>
       <li>Grape Jam</li>
       <li>Grape Juice</li>
       <li>Grape Salad</li>

1.     Apple
o    Apple Pie
o    Apple Juice
2.     Grapes
o    Grape Jam
o    Grape Juice
o    Grape Salad
3.     Banana
4.     Pear

Changing the bullet of unordered list can be achieved using the type attribute. Types of bullets available are disc, circle and square.
Code Snippet

<ul type = "square">

  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Banana
  • Pear

<ul type = "circle">
  • Apple
  • Grape
  • Banana
  • Pear

Ordered list also has several types that display different numbering format. To change the type of an ordered list numbering

Code Snippet

<ol type = "a">

a.      Apple
b.     Grape
c.      Banana
d.     Pear
<ol type = "i">
       i.            Apple
     ii.            Grape
  iii.            Banana
   iv.            Pear


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