C Programming

C programming language is used to learn programming concepts and getting along with program development environment before learning other more complex programming languages. Following are a list of topics on C programming.

Introduction to c programming

To expose C program for the first time. TO learn basic structure of a C program and tools needed to write them.

Hello world program

This is the first program written in any programming language to learn how a program is written and to study how the program is executed.

Data types and variables

To use variables in a program, we must understand what types of data is supported by the programming language. Supported data types are int, float, double and char. A variable which is a memory location which stores data into it, must be prepared to hold these different types of data. Its because these data is stored differently and their sizes also differs.

Input and output

To enable program to interact with it users by allowing them to give inputs and display processed output back to them. Normally inputs are given using keyboard and output by default produces on computer screen. Typically outputs are formatted strings.


Conditional statement enable us to write a program that controls the flow of execution. We can control the flow by executing statement only when condition is meet, and skip few steps if condition is wrong. It also allows to execute statements in repetitive way.


Function is a collection of statement that under a specific name that performs specific task when called. Function also a way to break down a program into smaller units. A C program at least has one function, and it the main function. There are twp types of function: predefined functions from library and user defined functions.


Array is a collection of data that are of same type under same name. Data in an array is referred to as elements and each elements are referenced using index. Once an array is created, the size of the array of the number of elements in an array is fixed.


Similar to array, structure is a collection of data that uses same name. The difference is the data in a structure are from different data type. Structures are used to better manage data, by grouping them to represent a single entity in a program. Individual elements in a structure are access using dot operator.


Pointers are powerful tool that are used to refer to memory location of a variable. Pointers can be used to access the data of a variable and to manipulate the address of the variable.


A string is an array of characters.Strings are enclosed in double quotation marks (") and are used to show as an output. Strings can be manipulated using various functions. 


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