Setting up data set and display it
Before we display some data in DataGridView control in Visual Basic window we must create a data set. Data Set is an object that can hold data tables where all the data is stored in rows and columns. the first step is to create a table. Dim dataTableObjectName as DataTable = New DataTable(tableName) this will create a table which is reference using the dataTableObjectName Example Dim userTable As DataTable = New DataTable("Users") Next step is adding columns to the table Dim column as DataColumn dataTableObjectName.Columns.Add (columnName, columnType) Example userTable.Columns.Add("userID", Type.GetType("System.Int.32")) ' adding second and third column userTable.Columns.Add("userName", Type.GetType("System.String")) userTable.Columns.Add("userContact", Type.GetType("System.String")) once we we columns in the table we can add row The rows contains records or the data for each user. dat...