
Showing posts from May, 2015


This site is for students learning Java programming language. I have summarized important points about understanding and writing coding by arranging them according to topics.

Object and Class

When creating a class imagine the objects that will be created from that class. To design your class consider this: what are the things that object has this is known as the instance variable   What are the actions that object can do . this is methods Following is a UML diagram depicting a class design This Movie class has two instance variables: title and producer. Value of this variable is unique for an object. We also can say that any two movies have different state because there are no two movies have same title and producer. The methods contain operation to work on the data of the object. A pair of method like setTitle() and getTitle() are also known setter and getter method. The purpose of this pair of method is to give or assign the value for an instance variable and to take or retrieve current value of the instance variable. Class and object A class is not an object. It is used for building and object. A class is a blueprint for an obj...

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